Case Study:

Using WhatsApp on Propertybase Salesforce Edition to Improve Sales for a Real Estate Company in Dubai


The real estate industry is highly competitive all around the world but specifically in Dubai as many people are looking for either vacation homes or to permanently move to Dubai. This put companies in need to find innovative ways to improve their sales process and stay ahead of the competition. In Dubai, one real estate company has found success by using ValueText’s WhatsApp capabilities integrated with Propertybase Salesforce Edition to engage with customers, improve its marketing, provide personalized communication, and streamline the sales process.


The real estate company faced several challenges in reaching out to customers effectively. The traditional sales channel “email”, was becoming less effective, and had a very high reponse time. Customers were also demanding more personalized communication, and the company needed a solution that could provide real-time support to customers.


To address these challenges, the real estate company decided to use ValueText’s functionalities as a sales and marketing channels. The company’s WhatsApp account was set up with a dedicated phone number that displayed the brand name when sending a message instead on 10 digit phone number, and customers were encouraged to use the messaging app to get in touch with the company.

The company also had a dedicated phone number so each agent can represent themselves instead of the company. ValueText also provided them with the capability of using the same phone numbers to manage phone calls and yet having everything store directly to a record in Salesforce. The company created multiple automations and chatbots to releave some manual work from it’s agents and provide 24/7 availability to it’s customers. The agents were also provided with pre-written templates for common inquiries, making it easier and faster for them to respond to customer queries.

To encourage customers to use WhatsApp, the company ran targeted marketing campaigns that highlighted the benefits of using the app. For example, customers were informed that they could view property listings, schedule property viewings, and receive personalized property recommendations directly on WhatsApp.


The real estate company’s use of ValueText’s capabilities as a sales and marketing channel has had several positive results. Customers have responded positively to the use of WhatsApp, and the company has seen an increase in customer engagement and satisfaction.

The use of WhatsApp has also streamlined the sales process, making it easier for customers to schedule property viewings and for agents to manage customer inquiries. This has resulted in a significant increase in sales and revenue for the company.

The company’s WhatsApp account has become a popular channel for customer inquiries, with an average response time of less than five minutes. The use of pre-written templates has helped agents to respond quickly to inquiries, and customers appreciate the personalized support they receive. Finally, customers shared a really positive feedback of the chatbot support that they received.


The real estate company’s use of ValueText’s capabilities and integration with Propertybase Salesforce Edition as a sales and marketing channel has been a success. By providing personalized support and streamlining the sales process, the company has seen an increase in customer engagement, satisfaction, and sales. The use of WhatsApp has also enabled the company to provide real-time support to customers, improving the overall customer experience. As a result, other real estate companies in Dubai are now considering using WhatsApp as a sales and marketing channel, making it a key tool in the real estate industry’s digital transformation.

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